Wild moment ex-AFL umpire involved in betting scandal is headbutted > 문의게시판

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Wild moment ex-AFL umpire involved in betting scandal is headbutted

페이지 정보

작성자 Sol Odum 작성일23-07-01 01:45 조회33회 댓글0건


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While the AFL made no formal finding against Pell, the investigation from the Victoria Police Sporting Integrity Intelligence Unit continues against the betting irregularities, where punters bet on who would receive the three votes in a particular game.

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Armstrong, who walked away from the scene without checking on his unconscious victim, broke down in tears when told by police that Mr Francis was on life support, and claimed he could not remember the attack.


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The 28 year old, who has pleaded guilty to manslaughter, trembled as he told police his unprovoked attack on concreter Luke Francis, 29, at Crown in March last year 'changed my life in the blink of an eye'.


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