London copper rebounds as Credit Suisse receives support pledges > 문의게시판

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London copper rebounds as Credit Suisse receives support pledges

페이지 정보

작성자 Evelyn 작성일23-06-28 00:22 조회33회 댓글0건


March 16 (Reuters) - London copper prices bounced back on Thursday from a more than two-month low hit in the previous session, as regulators pledging support for Credit Suisse Group AG reassured investors, but sentiment was weak amid a U.S.
banking crisis.
Credit Swiss shares tumbled as much as 30% on Wednesday, but the bank has since received some liquidity lifeline pledges from Swiss regulators while it also planned to boost liquidity by borrowing from the Swiss National Bank.
Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange rose 0.9% to $8,578.50 a tonne by 0238 GMT.

The contract in the previous session hit $8,489.50 a tonne, its lowest since Jan. 6, on Credit Suisse's rout.
A sign of demand picking up in top consumer China also supported prices, with Yangshan copper premium <SMM-CUYP-CN> - which reflects demand for imported copper into China - rose to $35 a tonne on Wednesday, its highest since Jan. 9.
LME aluminium rose 0.6% to $2,290 a tonne, zinc increased 0.1% to $2,868 a tonne, lead advanced 0.6% to $2,080.50 a tonne while tin lost 3% to $21,800 a tonne.
The most-traded April copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell 2.7% to 66,950 yuan ($9,704.02) a tonne, tracking overnight losses in London and dropping to as low as 66,590 yuan a tonne, DRBerita its lowest since Jan. 10.
SHFE aluminium declined 1.1% to 18,150 yuan a tonne, nickel fell 2.7% to 173,270 yuan a tonne, zinc shed 2.3% to 22,350 yuan a tonne and tin tumbled as much as 5.1% to 177,550 yuan a tonne, its lowest since November last year.
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($1 = 6.8992 yuan) (Reporting by Mai Nguyen in Hanoi; Editing by Rashmi Aich)


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